Your Student Union (StV) for Computer Science consists of volunteer students - currently, approx. 30 members belong to our team.
You can elect the chair of the StV at the ÖH Election every two years. The chair consists of five students and mostly handles the internal organisation. While it holds the final decision-making authority within the StV, our overall approach is highly democratic. None of our members are affiliated with a University Party; we are all simply passionate about representing you.
This page should help you get to know our team - for the full experience, try meeting us in person! Join our events or our CS-Café.
You can always reach the Student Union via email at - all of our representatives will receive your email, and the person most qualified to handle your request will take care of it as fast as possible. Naturally, you can also ask your questions on our Discord server or at our CS Café.
Sometimes, a problem might be too delicate to share it with the whole team - that is what our Confidential Contacts are for. They handle your request confidentially and reach out to the right people on your behalf, keeping you anonymous - always with your consent of course. Confidential contacts also serve as point of contact in case there are issues with members of the StV.
Your current Confidential Contacts are Sarah Schropp, Felix Ferchhumer, Florian Obernberger and Philipp Reisinger - you can get in touch using the buttons.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Internal stuff (budget, meetings etc.), confidential contact, legal advice, quality assurance, event organisation
Fun fact:
I've been successfully delaying the end of my studies for years so that I don't have to finish with the ÖH <3
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Representation in the faculty representation, committee work, social media, event organisation
Fun fact:
I've had more hair colours than I've spent semesters at university.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Confidential contact, answering emails, student counselling, social media, study commission
Fun fact:
Fun with Flags: Can show you any country on a map and knows their flag.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event Organisation
Fun fact:
Fueled by motivation and caffeine. ☕
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Confidential contact, committee work
My StV moment:
Collecting commissions like Pokémon.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Discord administration, office hours cafés, study commission
Fun fact:
If you spell Informatik backwards you get "Kitamrofni", which is great.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Regulars' tables, support at events
Fun fact:
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Helping out at events
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event Organisation
Fun fact:
Has 3.5 fridges.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event organisation
Fun fact:
Is actually an alumnus, but doesn't let it show.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Informatik Café
Natural Habitat:
Informatik Café
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event organisation, student advisory service, commissions
R: -3,75, L: -5,25
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event organisation
Favourite quote:
"If I give you the bottle of wine, can we stay on the table?"
"Professor, it's 3 in the morning"
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event Organisation, Confidential Contact, CS-Cafés
Natural hair color:
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Student Guidance, Technical Projects
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Assistance with events
Wise Words:
Printers are the devil.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Assistance with events and committees
Favourite Beer:
Sternburg Export
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Helping with events, emails
Favourite quote:
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event Organisation, Discord Moderation
Life of wisdom:
Don‘t judge a cover by its book!
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Board Game Events, Cafés, JKU Games
Fun fact:
I like flying Steampunk-Machines.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Keeper of ancient knowledge, event organisation, interface to AI, emails
Favourite quote:
"Next semester I'm done with my masters" - since 2017.
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Assistance with events
Favourite quote:
"Steil bergauf oder steil bergab"
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event organisation, Industry Cooperations
Fun fact:
Was already an ÖH member before the university was built (we think).
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Assistance with events
Collecting Paper like Philipp collects Committees
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Helping with events, 3D-printing
Completely Crazy Cat-Cultist
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event organisation, Faculty Representation, ÖH Model
Motto in life:
Mei Bier is ned deppad!
In the StV since:
Main tasks:
Event Organisation, Documentation
Fun Fact:
Currently in the Onboarding Process
In the StV from:
your second semester onwards
Main tasks:
whatever suits you, be it representative work, guidance or organising events
The Student Union is:
what you shape it to be
The StV Informatik has existed for a very long time, our record of members goes back more than 20 years. We want to introduce our more recent alumni here.
For each year you can find a list of members that officially left us that year. The year in brackets is their join date into the StV.
Members that left us for the StV AI during the split of the StV Informatik & AI in 2023 are not listed as alumni.