ÖH Academy

You also want to continue your education outside of your studies

We have the perfect programme for you!

We at the ÖH JKU have created the ÖH Academy so that you can continue to improve your other strengths and skills during your studies or even get a taste of completely new areas.

With the ÖH Academy, you can now further your education in the areas of career, soft skills and lifestyle.


Do you want to learn skills that you will need later in your professional life? At the ÖH Academy, we offer you a wide range of opportunities, from financial management to accounting, to learn relevant skills for your future career alongside your studies.

Assessment centre & application coaching: 'Show what you got'

When: 30 November 2023 15:00-17:00
Where: JKU Campus
Registration: academy@oeh.jku.at

A successful career requires successful applications! This workshop goes through the dos and don'ts in application processes and plays through realistic situations with the participants as they occur in assessment centres.

ZEIT Online - Team and cooperation: recognising and successfully resolving conflicts

When: 05 December 2023 10:30-12:00
Where: Online
Registration: www.academics.de

Effective and good cooperation in teams is one of the most important success factors in professional life. However, this does not always work smoothly. Constructive conflict management needs to be learnt.

This free online seminar offers valuable basic knowledge and practical tips and exercises.

Backwards planning - goal-oriented project planning

When: 19 November 2023 16:00-18:00
Where: JKU Campus
Registration: academy@oeh.jku.at

Targeted planning is the key to successful personal and professional projects. This workshop focuses on planning a specific project. Starting from the goal, you will roll up the planning steps backwards and learn how to integrate them into a realistic time frame.