StV. Statistics and Data Science

Welcome to your StV Statistics and Data Science!

We are your contact if you have any questions or problems. No matter what your concern - write us an email ( ) or on WhatsApp or talk to us personally. We are happy to help you, whether it's about studying in general, individual courses or problems with professors.
In the current term of office, the STV is made up of the following people: Florian Burndorfer (Chair), Matthias Klaushofer (1st Deputy Chair) and Michael Steiner (2nd Deputy Chair).

Information on the study programmes can be found on the homepage of the IFAS - Institute for Applied Statistics or directly on the JKU homepage.
The IFAS also provides links to job fairs and profiles of graduates.


Your StV Statistics and Data Science is currently formed of three members: Florian Burndorfer, Matthias Klaushofer and Michael Steiner. We are your contact for all requests concerning student and university life. We want to enjoy the years of study with you, help where assistance is needed and lend an ear to all of you. We are easily reached via e-mail( or talk to us directly.

You can find information on the (under-)graduate studies on the homepage of IFAS - Department of Applied Statistics or on the university homepage of JKU. IFAS also provides information on job offers and alumni profiles.

Opening hours

Appointments by arrangement



SOWI-Kammerl - Kepler building


e-mail address


Further links


Homepage of the IFAS

Homepage of the JKU