Plagiarism check

Dear JKU student!

Are you about to finish your degree programme ? Only your thesis still needs to be submitted and checked? If this situation applies to you, then you've come to the right place with our plagiarism check. For several years now, the ÖH JKU has been offering you this very special service: checking your thesis for possible plagiarism.

How does the plagiarism check work?

Using professional software combined with a manual check , we will provide you with an assessment of potential areas for improvement. We then offer you personalised advice with helpful tips for your work.

What should you pay particular attention to?

The thesis review service is only available to JKU students and students of the University of Art and Design Linz .

We also ask that you send us your thesis in PDF or Word format rather than as a scan. There are also some formal guidelines to make our work easier: Please send us your entire paper (including cover sheet and bibliography) and also name the file as follows: Surname_1.letter of the type of work, i.e. B(achelorarbeit), D(iplomarbeit) / D(issertation), M(asterarbeit) results in e.g. Steinmayer_B.pdf. You should also make sure that each thesis can only be checked once. It is of course possible to check preliminary versions or parts of your work - but we will then no longer be able to check the final version.

Please be sure to include your matriculation number and whether you are studying at the University of Art and Design Linz or the JKU in your email.

Short and sweet: an overview of the most important information:

  • Service exclusively for JKU students and students of the University of Art and Design Linz
  • Only for theses (diploma thesis, bachelor's thesis, master's thesis and dissertations)
  • Format: PDF or Word (no scan!)
  • Submit entire thesis
  • File name: Surname_1.letter of the type of work (B(ak), D(ipl.), M(aster)) (e.g. Steinmayer_D.pdf)
  • EACH paper will only be checked once (!). It is not possible to check preliminary versions or parts, unless you do not wish to have the final version checked.
  • Include your matriculation number and your university in your email.

This is how it works:

  • Send work according to requirements to
  • You will receive the report in writing by email
  • If you have any unanswered questions, a consultation can be arranged


  • The processing can take up to one week - so please send the work in time for the plagiarism check!!!
  • We are also available for you during the holidays!

We look forward to your visit and if we can help you. You can find us in the Kepler building opposite the ÖH-TNF-Kammerl. See you soon!

Contact persons:

Marlene Fürst and Anna-Maria Lemberg






Please make an appointment for a consultation.


ÖH Counselling Centre (Kepler building opposite ÖH TNF)