Welcome to the website of the Medical Engineering student representatives!
We are your representatives on the Medical Engineering degree programme at the JKU Linz and are here to advise you. The Student Representation is your first point of contact for all matters relating to your studies - whether you have problems with lecturers or a course or would like to know anything else about the programme, get in touch with us. We are also in constant dialogue with the institutes and lecturers and are constantly trying to improve the degree programme. We look forward to hearing from you!
Almost all of our students are registered on our Discord server for Medical Engineering!
Here you can exchange ideas with your fellow students, find practical documents and be in direct contact with your student representatives. All our news and events are announced here first, so check it out!
If you prefer to chat in person, drop by our MedEng Café in the TNF-Kammerl. There you can chat with other Medical Engineering students, exchange experiences and find out the latest JKU gossip. Treat yourself to strong coffee, refreshing tea and delicious cake ;).
In the summer semester 2024, the MedEng Café will take place every Wednesday from 10:15 to 11:45 in the TNF-Kammerl .
It is a good idea to refresh your knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology for courses specialising in medicine. The ÖH Med Wien (Austrian Students' Union Vienna) has prepared a paper for this purpose, which is actually intended for the MedAT. These documents can be found at medat.oehmedwien.at/skripten/.
For the courses focussing on mechatronics, it is a good idea to brush up on your knowledge of mechanics, electrical engineering and programming. We have selected a few useful resources for this:
The work of StV Medical Engineering depends on a large number of hard-working volunteers. Our team page gives you an overview of our team and who works in which areas.
Once a month, we invite you to a regulars' table in one of the pubs on campus. There you can easily get to know other Med Eng students over a cold drink or simply round off the evening with your fellow students after a busy day at the university.
When? Where? How?
You can always find all information about our current regulars' tables on our Discord under "Current events" and under "Event announcements".
The beginning and end of the academic year must be celebrated properly!
That's why we're inviting you and the programs teaching staff to the first party in the Mensakeller in autumn.
With free food (also vegetarian & vegan) and drinks, you can have a relaxed chat with fellow students and lecturers.
But we won't let you down in the summer semester either!
Before the exam stress begins, you can relax at the StV barbecues with cool drinks and delicious grilled food and enjoy the evening with fellow students and lecturers.
Opening hours: Wed 10:15-11:45
E-mail address: medeng@oeh.jku.at
Tel: +43 732 2468 5968
Discord: https://discord.gg/kmtCwHbcAb
Instagram: StV-MedEng, ÖH-TNF
Location: TNF Kammerl - Kepler building