Rights and obligations

Students at the JKU have certain rights and obligations. Study law is regulated in the University Act (UG 2002) and in the JKU statutes.

What happens if I am caught cheating?

If you use unauthorised aids, your exam will be declared invalid and counted towards your entry requirements. This means that you may lose your opportunity to take the exam.

How long can I inspect written exams?

You have the right to inspect your work within six months of taking an examination. Furthermore, you may copy any examination you have taken, including assessment documents and examination protocols (except for multiple-choice examinations)

How often can I repeat a course?

You have 4 repetitions for all examinations, i.e. a total of 5 attempts. There are two different types of examination. On the one hand, there are those with an "immanent examination character", i.e. the grade is made up of several performance assessments such as homework exercises. Here you can request a board examination from the third repetition onwards; your application must be approved by the Vice-Rector for Teaching. Board examinations are usually the same, but are assessed by several professors. If you pass the examination, you can retake it within 12 months if you want a better grade.