StV Informatik: Important Resources

Starting well prepared

Study Guides

You would like to prepare for your study, but you are unsure how?

Our Study Guide can help: Every year, we collect the most important tips for the perfect start to your studies. In our guide you'll find information on your courses, the local bar scene and generally everything you will need for this new lifestyle. 
Our Study Guide is meant for the BSc Informatik and is therefore in German. We share a more general part with the Student Union for AI however, and this part has been translated to English as well. If you are doing the Master's in Computer Science, it might therefore be of interest as well.

Information on the Master's and its tracks, and a guide to complete your BSc can also be found at our info events linked below.

Information from the university

Curriculum Guides

The most important document for your study is your Curriculum. The curriculum defines the legal basis for your degree programme and contains some important information about its structure. We therefore recommend that all students have a look at their curriculum.

The Department of Computer Science has also produced a Curriculum Guide to help you understand the curriculum.

Answers to (almost) all questions


We regularly receive questions about our studies. Together with the StV AI, we have collected the most frequently asked questions and compiled a large FAQ!

In the General FAQ you will find numerous questions about the JKU itself, about your rights as a student and about your studies in particular.
Because our degree program is also attended by many international students, together with the International Welcome Center we have also answered the most important questions for this special case - you can find them in the Internationals FAQ.

Many of your questions also reach us via our very active Discord server. If you experience problems using the server, we have also prepared a FAQ for it.

If your questions are still not answered, please feel free to contact us!

Tools for you

Additional useful resources

Students frequently share useful tools and links they find on our Discord server.
Sometimes we or our students also develop services directly, some of which we want to share here:

The Grade Calculator can assist you in calculating your average grade and can tell you if you are still in the running to finish with destinction.
The JKU Roomsearch helps you at finding unoccupied rooms at JKU in case you need a quiet place to study in.
The WhereInJKU? dynamically shows you rooms on a map.
The Study Planner helps with your study plans. You can select your studies in the settings.

If you have developed a tool you want us to host, get in touch!

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