JKU Card

The JKU Card is your personal student ID for the JKU and offers you a whole range of functions.


You will need your JKU Card for all exams to identify yourself as well as in the library to borrow and return books.


Here you have the opportunity to renew your student ID.

You can also load the ÖH Mensa bonus onto your JKU Card at the Service Points. By linking the JKU Card with the ATM card at the terminal in the cafeteria, the customer group (student, employee, ÖH bonus) is assigned and you will then automatically receive the ÖH cafeteria bonus when paying with the ATM card for the menus.


  • Management Centre
  • Passageway physics building
  • RLB Bankstelle University
  • Lecture theatre wing in the Kepler building
  • Admission service