In KUSSS (Kepler University Study Support System) you register for all the courses you want to take during the semester. You can use this platform to put together your timetable, discuss and exchange ideas with colleagues in the online forums, check your grades and much more.

ACTIVATE JKU ACCOUNT (https://help.jku.at/im/de/jku-account/jku-account-aktivieren)

In order to log in to KUSSS, you must activate your account and set a JKU E-Directory password after you have been admitted to the programme. Please go to passwort.jku.at. To activate your JKU account you will need your username ("k" + your matriculation number e.g. k0123456). You will then be asked to choose a JKU E-Directory password. Please follow the instructions on the page (password.jku.at). The JKU account gives you access to services such as KUSSS, WLAN, e-mail account, the databases and eJournals of the University Library (eBib). So that you can be contacted by institutes, course directors, etc., you must also enter your e-mail address. If you have set a JKU/eDirectory password at the Servicepoint menu item "E-Directory (E-Mail, KUSSS, WLAN,...)", your account is already active with this password. REGISTRATION FOR COURSES: At the beginning, the easiest way to register for courses is via the study plan. In this you will find all the courses you need for your registered degree programme - divided into study entry phases, sections, etc. You can also call up the grades for your completed courses in KUSSS.


You can prioritise all your courses, i.e. create a sequence. The more priorities you assign, the higher the probability of being allocated the courses. Please note: Don't forget to save once you have prioritised your courses.


Courses are allocated either directly or according to a random number, which is influenced by the number of negative entries or no allocation in the previous semester.


If you are still unsure, video tutorials are available on the KUSSS homepage that may be able to help you. If you have any other questions, you can also contact the ÖH (Student Counselling Office) at any time.