StV Artificial Intelligence: Our Events


We have a lot planned

However, we do not organize our biggest events alone, but together with other student representatives of the TNF. For example, our JKU Games, the TNF Grillerei, punch stands, the Neurips Conference Watchparty, the Meme Awards, the Dodecathlon and more - take a look at our faculty representation's pag!

Some of our events also require coordination with the entire university representation in order to involve as many students as possible. For example, the Eval Day to boost the response rate to the LVA survey, our blood donation campaign or our free HIV testing events.

You will of course be informed about all events via email and Discord, or you can subscribe to our event calendar!



AI-Regulars’ tables

Once a month we invite you to a meeting in one of the campus bars. There you can easily meet other students in the education sector over a cool drink or simply relax with your fellow students after a demanding day of classes.

The dates are always announced via our Discord in the event section.


Welcome party / barbecue of the student representation

The beginning and end of the academic year must be celebrated!

That's why we invite you and the faculty members to a welcome party in the Mensakeller in the fall.

With free food (including vegetarian and vegan options) and drinks, you can chat with your fellow students and faculty members in a relaxed atmosphere.

But we won't let you down in the summer semester either!

Before the exam stress sets in, you can relax once more and enjoy the evening with your fellow students at the Student Council's barbecue evenings, where cool drinks and delicious grilled food (including vegetarian and vegan options) are available.

Watch Together Stream of Conference



In addition to our large networking events, we also offer advisory events: At the end of each winter semester, for example, there is the Bachelor's information evening for students in higher semesters!

We give you a checklist of what you need to consider on the way to your Bachelor's degree and invite representatives from your institutes to give a brief presentation of their current research topics. This way, you can quickly find a topic for a Bachelor's thesis and have the opportunity to talk to potential supervisors!

We also offer a tutorial on completing your studies for our Master's students: At the Master's information event, you will find out which deadlines you need to consider and how to put together an examination committee.

There is also an advisory session for first-semester students and, of course, our weekly office hours. We will keep you updated when another event is coming up!


Awareness Teams

Some of our events are attended by a large number of students. To ensure that everyone feels comfortable, we make use of Awareness Teams - always recognisable by their magenta-coloured vests!

If you need a time-out at an event, if a guest becomes abusive or if you simply need someone to talk to, the awareness team is there to help. Our team members are trained and take your concerns seriously: together we will find a solution!

Our teams are also equipped with an Awareness Box: It contains hygience products, earplugs, fidgets, tissues, information brochures and more, just talk to us!

If you would like to report an incident after the event, you can also do so via our Confidential Contacts.

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