StV Artificial Intelligence: Important ressources


Study Guide

Do you want to prepare for your studies but don't really know how?

Our study guide can help: Every year we publish a collection of important tips for starting your studies. Here you can get information about your courses, find out everything about the local home bars and generally learn everything about your new phase of life.

The guide is basically designed for our Bachelor's degree, but also contains a general section that is interesting for the Master's degree.


Join our Discord server!

Almost all of our students are on our Discord-Server for computer science and AI!

Here you can exchange ideas with your colleagues about different subjects, find practical materials and be in direct contact with your student representatives. All of our news and events are announced here first, so check it out!



The most important document for your studies is your curriculum. The curriculum defines the legal basis for your studies and contains some important information about the structure of the course. We therefore recommend that all students take a quick look at their curriculum.



We receive questions about our studies every day. We have answered the most common ones together with the StV AI and put together a large FAQ!

In the general FAQ you will find numerous questions about the JKU itself, your rights as a student and your studies in particular.
Because our studies are also studied by many internationals, we have also collected the most important questions for this more specific case together with the International Welcome Center - you can find them in the Internationals FAQ.

Many of our questions also reach us via our very active Discord server. If you have problems using it, we have prepared an FAQ for that too.

If your questions are still not answered, you are of course welcome to contact us!


Our Dashboard

Since 2022, we have been maintaining a project dashboard: Here you can find all of our current and past projects, who was involved in the project and what the current status is.

However, not all of our tasks can be shown in the dashboard. In order to keep the platform clear, only larger projects are included in the list. Regular work (such as the supervision and organization of our office hours and monthly get-togethers, answering emails and inquiries, as well as meetings of commissions and task forces) can therefore be found as "jobs" elsewhere separately in the dashboard or summarized in ongoing projects.

We try to keep the projects up to date - if something is missing or seems out of date, please contact us!

You can also find more information about some selected projects here on the website.


StV Evaluation

A student representative body, as the name suggests, represents you students. So that we can do this properly, we ask for feedback on our work every year in a large, anonymous survey.

As part of the survey, we often receive exciting suggestions for new projects, but we also learn when offers have not yet been taken up or are simply not needed. You can find the detailed evaluations and the conclusions drawn from them here!

But of course you don't have to wait until the next survey to give us your feedback - just get in touch with us, we look forward to any feedback!