Canteen bonus

Canteenbonus increased to €1
Cheaper lunch with your ÖH J


The ÖH JKU Mensa Bonus is a support amount in the form of a meal subsidy that we award to JKU students in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Science and the State of Upper Austria. If you do not have more than 170 EUR available for food per month
(compliance is randomly checked by the Ministry), then we will support you with the ÖH JKU Mensa Bonus.

The ÖH JKU Mensa Bonus is also the easiest way to "get back" your ÖH contribution - and get much more back from the ÖH than you paid in!

How does it work?

You can apply for the ÖH JKU Mensa Bonus exclusively via the KUSSS. In the menu item "Personal data" simply go to the tab "ÖH-Mensabonus". As soon as you have applied for the canteen bonus and paid your ÖH contribution, you can activate your canteen bonus at the JKU service points by inserting your JKU Card (an "M" will be printed on your JKU Card during this process) and the bonus will be transferred to the canteen.

From this point on, you will receive meals at the JKU cafeteria, the KHG cafeteria, the Raab-Heim cafeteria and also at the University of Art University cafeteria at a reduced rate.

You have to apply for the canteen bonus every semester at KUSSS.

Save money with the ÖH Mensa bonus:

  • 1.00 € discount on all main courses (except "premium dish from € 7.90")

Contact us

If you have any further questions, please contact our ÖH Chair Philipp Bergsmann at