StV Medical Engineering: Join now!

Space for you

Our values

Would you like to become active in the student representatives? The student representatives for Medical Engineering are always happy to welcome new members!

As a representative body for Medical Engineering, we can of course only accept students from this field. As part of the ÖH TNF, all our members are also non-factional, i.e. they do not belong to any party (more on this here).
If these two points are a problem, there are plenty of other areas in the ÖH JKU that would be happy to have your support! You can use your talents in departments such as the Department of Communication- just get in touch with the ÖH JKU.

We also expect our members to be open-minded and tolerant so that we can respond appropriately to the needs of our diverse student body. Of course, an inherent desire to stand up for the interests of students is also indispensable.

Your way into the StV MedEng

Join the StV

Here you can find out how joining us usually works!

1. Make contact

Before we can start the membership process, we first need to know that you are interested!
Get in touch with the StV chair (or any other member) during one of our events, via Discord or e-mail. We are always happy to hear from interested people!

2. StV initial meeting

We will arrange a meeting where the StV chair will talk to you about the internal structures of the ÖH: Here you will find out how we work, what we expect from our members and why it is worth joining the StV.

At the same time, we want to know which area of our work interests you the most: student counselling, our events or representation on committees?

Don't worry, the interview is not particularly formal and should not be seen as a job interview. We just want to make sure that you know in advance what to expect.

3. Try out StV

Now that you've heard how we work, you can try it out for yourself: Most of our new members are primarily active as support at events, especially at the beginning, before they take on larger tasks. We would therefore like to invite you to give us a hand at an event as a test.

During this time, we also collect feedback within the StV to make sure that everyone feels comfortable with our new recruits.

4. Onboarding

If you have survived your trial event and are still convinced that we are worth your valuable time, we will accept you into the Student Council: You'll get access to our accounts, a picture and your uniform.

5. Ongoing training

Once you are well established in the Student Council, there are plenty of opportunities to expand your knowledge: We offer free training courses on all the basics that you come across in your deputy work, from introductions to university law to coffee brewing workshops. You will also learn lots of practical things for your future job. We look forward to you taking on more and more responsibility and replacing us at some point - for a new generation of student representatives!

Representative out of passion


First things first: Working on the student council is an honorary position and only works if you are passionate about it. However, there are a few benefits to ensure that you are not disadvantaged by your work on the student council.

For example, there is a reduced attendance requirement if you are unable to attend a course for ÖH activities, and your time is remunerated in the form of free ECTS. As a member of the student representatives, you also have stronger legal protection so that you cannot be unfairly graded by lecturers due to your work.

Studying with purpose

Probably the best benefit, however, is the feeling of using your time wisely and being able to help people. In our committees, you can also play an active role in shaping the degree programme and change things that are currently bothering you (or ensure that good things are maintained). The work of the student representatives has a huge impact on the lives of your fellow students - together we endeavour to improve the study experience for everyone.
As an ÖHli, you become part of a community of social people who are driven by exactly that.