Student Union for Computer Science

Who are we?

The Student Union for Computer Science is responsible for the Bachelor's degree programme "Informatik" and the Master's degree programme "Computer Science". We are all students like you and are your contact persons for questions, suggestions and problems during your studies. We also help you to get to know your fellow students and ensure that you don't get bored while studying. Get in touch!

Discord Join-Link as QR code
Our communication channel

Join our Discord server!

Almost all of our students are on our Discord server for Computer Science and AI!

Here you can exchange ideas with your colleagues on various subjects, find useful documents and get in touch with your student representatives. All our news and events are announced there first, so check it out!

Our consultation hour

Computer Science Café

Every week we organise the Computer Science Café in the TNF-Kammerl! Here you can ask us your most burning questions, work on your homework or simply chat about your studies with colleagues from higher semesters over homemade cake, tea and strong coffee.

This winter semester, the café takes place every Wednesday from 10:15 to 11:45 (except for holidays and the semester break). Come along, we look forward to seeing you!

If you have more pressing questions, you can also make an appointment in person.

Get to know your colleagues

Our Events

The StV Informatik organises a lot of events each year, ranging from Coding Contests to Regulars' Tables in pubs. Click the button below to find out more about our most important events and to get to our event calendar.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

What are we working on right now?

Logo of StV Informatik
How to get in touch

Contact us


Tel: +43 732 2468 5968


Instagram: @oehtnf

Location: TNF-Kammerl in the Kepler building

Do you have a more sensitive issue? Use our Confidential Contacts!