Faculty representation TN

Who we are

The ÖH Fakultätsvertretung der Technisch- Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät (short: ÖH TNF) is a superordinate representation, which coordinates the individual study unions at the TNF. It therefore consists of one person from each of the study representations Artificial Intelligence, Chemistry, Doktorat TN, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, Informatik, Kunststofftechnik & Maschinenbau, Lehramt, Mathematik & NaWiTec, Mechatronik, Medical Engineering and Physik & MoBi.


Raffael Borris


Kai Bogner

1st Deputy Chair

Jonas Feldhofer

2nd Deputy Chair

We are not doing this alone

Other FakV members

Roman Rittler (Artificial Intelligence)

Daniel Kutasi (Artficial Intelligence)

Anna-Malin Draxler (Chemistry)

Andrea Arndold (Chemistry)

Mario Kunzemann (Dok TN)

Magdalena Piringer (Dok TN)

Lukas Pfeffer (Elit)

Michael Winklehner (Elit)

Helena Fitze (Computer Science)

Sarah Steilner (Plastics Technology & Mechanical Engineering)

Ronja Günthner (Teaching degree)

Samuel Schagerl (Teacher training)

Pia Poledna (Mathematics & NaWiTec)

Sebastian Gonglach (Mathematics & NaWiTec)

Sarah Bernberger (Mechatronics)

Johannes Barbist (Mechatronics)

Simone Gahleitner (Medical Engineering)

Caroline Hastra(Medical Engineering)

Katrin Stöger (Physics & MoBi)

Leon Dietscher (Physics & MoBi)

We are always looking for new motivated members. If you are interested, please contact your study union!



38 hours of non-stop gaming fun

JKU Games

JKU Games has been held once a semester at the Unicenter since 2013. It evolved from the JKU LAN and JKU Dice and is organised by the ÖH TNF. In addition to numerous LAN spaces for your PCs, there are tabletop games, large group games such as "Werewolf", "Two Rooms and a Boom", pen & papers and a separate VR and console area.

There are also different specials every semester, such as Mario Kart and Smash tournaments, Magic tournaments, Empty Epsilon spaceship simulator, ironing bead workshop and much more!

You can find more information about the current games on our website!

biggest barbecue at the JKU

TNF Summer Barbecue

With around 3000 visitors, the TNF Grillerei is the largest event organised by the ÖH TNF. It takes place once every summer semester under a different motto, usually in the LUI Gastgarten.

The highlights include organic bread rolls, live nitrogen ice cream and musical entertainment, for example by the Kepler Blas Orchester.

Homemade punsch

TNF Punschstand

Every winter semester, the ÖH TNF offers hot punch with homemade christmas cookies and fresh raclette bread to get you through the cold season.

Many student unions take the opportunity before the Christmas holidays to spend their monthly regulars' table there.

Find friends for life

First semester students mentoring

Starting a new course of study is always a big challenge! In order to give you a little help, a group of higher semester students from all fields of study have come together to give you the opportunity to get to know other students outside of the lecture hall and practice sessions. You can get to know new people at game evenings, scavenger hunts across campus or even visit the punsch-stand together to make your start to your studies a little easier.

So that you can get an initial picture of the groups, everyone has written a short profile to introduce themselves to you.

How to reach us

Contact us

Mail: tnf@oeh.jku.at

Phone: +43 732 2468 5968

Instagram: @oehtnf

Location: TNF-Kammerl in the Kepler building