Department for Women, Gender and Equal Opportunities

The Department for Women, Gender and Equal Opportunities is your point of contact and endeavours to eliminate existing inequalities in everyday university life. With events on the topics of feminism, sexism and racism, we try to draw attention to existing oppressive structures and thus make the university a place for everyone. You can find all current events and information here. If you have any further questions, you can contact us by email at any time.

You are welcome to send us an e-mail at any time if you have any questions or other concerns! We are also there for you on site during the above-mentioned opening hours if you would like to visit us in person. If you would also like to get involved yourself, please send an email to We look forward to hearing from you!

If you are confronted with any form of unequal treatment, discrimination or sexual harassment, you can also contact the JKU's Equal Opportunity Working Group.


We are in the same room as the Social Department!

Monday: 14:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 12:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 12:30 - 15:30

Telephone number:
0732/ 2468 - 5972


Kepler building - near hall B