Student Union Electronics & Information Technology

Who are we?

Welcome to the website of the Electronics and Information Technology Student Council (StV ELIT for short)!

We are your representatives for the ELIT programme at the JKU Linz and are here to advise you. If you have any questions about the ELIT programme, please contact us. We are also in constant dialogue with the institutions in the Cluster Mitte and are constantly trying to improve the degree programme. Therefore, please contact us if you have any problems with lecturers, courses or the structure of the degree programme.

Important things in the ELIT programme.

Our communication channel

Join our Discord server!

Almost all of our students are registered on our Discord server for electronics and information technology!

Technical questions are efficiently clarified in this way, and several lecture channels and voice channels with video streaming function allow you to organise yourself perfectly when submitting your exercises.

Click here to join!



During the winter semester 24/25, our consultation hours café takes place every Thursday from 10:15-11:45 in the TNF-Kammerl, diagonally opposite the Sparkasse. Whether for questions, free coffee & cake or just to get to know each other: you are always welcome. We will also give you a collection of maths formulae as a gift at the consultation hours café, which you can use for some exams.

Our team

Michael Winklehner


Lukas Pfeffer

1st Deputy Chair

Alexander Hofer

2nd Deputy Chair

Of course, we are backed by an energetic team.

Other StV members

Lucie Podratzka, Marius Tillner, Joachim Weichselbaum, Markus Meingast, Ange-Lysiane Karasangbao, Armin Hartl, Tobias Fröschl, Christoph Haslinger, Michael Herber, Orlin Kara, Simon Grundner

We are always happy to welcome new colleagues to the student representatives who want to help shape the degree programme!


Important events

Regulars' tables
Every month

Regulars' tables

Our cosy regulars' tables take place once a month. There you can meet us and fellow students to chat, blaspheme, laugh and whatever else you can think of. The first drink is on us, of course.

Every semester

First day party & StV barbecue

At the beginning of the winter semester in October, we always celebrate our first party! Enjoy an evening of free drinks and food: In recent years, for example, we have served home-cooked (vegan) chilli and Leberkäsesemmel or sausages.

In the run-up to the exam phase in the summer semester , we want to give you another cosy break and therefore invite you to the StV-Grillerei! We'll provide you with free, but all the more delicious barbecue food and drinks: our regional organic farmer will provide us with high-quality chops and sausages, while our vegetarian and vegan guests can enjoy delicious patties or meat substitutes.

In addition to your fellow students, we also invite your lecturers, so you can forgive even the most difficult exam over a cool drink together :P

It's definitely worth a visit!

How to reach us

Contact us


Phone: +43 732 2468 5968

Discord: https: //

Instagram: oehtnf

Location: TNF-Kammerl in the Kepler building