Sociology & Digital Society Student Council

for sociology and digital society students

We are your representatives!

(from left to right: Gilbert, Tanja, Laura, Elias, Michelle, Alex, Clara, Niklas)

The Student Representation (StV) for Sociology and Digital Society is your contact for all questions regarding your studies. We are honorary students and, therefore, know from our experience how challenging everyday university life can be. The StV team is there to help and advise you if you need help or are stuck, whether you are a first-year student, an advanced student, or in the final spurt.

What we do

Our activities include

  • First semester counseling
  • personal consultation hours
  • E-mail counseling, crash courses and workshops
  • Help with bureaucratic hurdles
  • Professional and organizational advice
  • Provision of a platform for exchange and networking
  • Organizing events

How to reach us:


Our Discord server is our communication platform for all sociology and Master Digital Society students. The StV is active on all channels and is available to you at any time. Colleagues of the StV are usually marked with a "(StV)" after their name.

Join now:


You can also send us an e-mail if you have any concerns. Our advisory team will take care of it.

You can also write to the team individually:


You can also find event tips and the latest news about studying on Instagram.
