Mechatronics student representatives

Who are we?

Welcome to the ÖH website of the Mechatronics Student Council!

As student representatives, we are the first point of contact for questions, complaints and information about studying.

Get in touch with us!

Guide | General information for TNF students & details on mechatronics


Mechatronics Café

There is also the opportunity to drop by the café, which is also the official consultation hour.

This can be visited by all mechatronics engineers. There is free coffee/cocoa and cake.

Stay connected!

Mechatronics Discord

Exchange ideas with your fellow students.

Don't miss any events organised by the Mechatronics student representatives.

The latest information about studying mechatronics.

Important things to know about studying mechatronics

Curricula Mechatronics study programme

Here you will find the curricula for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Mechatronics.

You will also find the typical curricula.

A short summary of the most important dates for new students as well as for existing students.

There are currently many changes to the Mechatronics curriculum. Two years ago the Bachelor's programme was changed, this year the Master's programme was changed and there is currently also a major change of professors.

In order to inform you about all the changes, the study commission has created a Moodle course in consultation with the professors. In this course, you will be informed about the current and upcoming changes to the Bachelor's/Master's degree programme in Mechatronics. We warmly recommend that you register there, as otherwise you could overlook important information about upcoming courses or credit transfer options! You can find the course at:

and for self-enrolment use the key: STUKO.

Important events

Regular exchange

TechTalk | Stammtisch

We organise a regular TechTalk (former regulars' table) outside of the study programme, which takes place once a month in the Wist Heimbar. In addition, a company is invited to each TechTalk, which begins with a short presentation about the company itself and the working environment. Afterwards there is a cosy get-together in the Wist Heimbar, the first drink is free.


Curling takes place once a year. Numerous teams of students, graduates, assistants and professors compete against each other on the ice rink.

  • When? 14 March 2024 at 19:00
  • Where? LINZ AG ice arena (Untere Donaulände 11, 4020 Linz)
  • Free drinks and food during the event
  • Musical accompaniment by the "Blechatroniker"

Football tournament

A football tournament is also organised once a year. Students, professors and members of the Institute of Mechatronics have the opportunity to compete against each other.

  • When? 06.06.2024 at 14:00
  • Where (meadow behind the canteen)
  • Free drinks and food during the event
  • Musical accompaniment by the "Blechatroniker"
How to reach us:

Contact us


Phone: +43 732 2468 5968

Instagram: @oehtnf

Location: TNF-Kammerl in the Kepler building