The most important contact points


The ÖH Shop provides students with books, scripts and various office supplies at favourable prices. You can obtain study materials for (almost) all courses from the ÖH Shop. Scripts are also available, which are notes taken by students that can make learning easier for you. If you have any questions about which learning materials are best suited to which courses, you can also contact the ÖH Shop staff, as they are all students themselves.

Another service offered by the ÖH Shop is the spiralising and binding of seminar papers, bachelor theses, diploma theses, etc. For a deposit you can borrow materials such as a media case, a USB stick, a calculator, etc. from the ÖH Shop for a certain period of time.


In addition to the personal service, you can browse the range in the online shop at your leisure and order from the comfort of your own home. These orders are also processed during holidays and outside opening hours.


The JKU has the main library, the specialised libraries and the special libraries. With your Kepler Card you can borrow the books you need from these libraries.


Before borrowing books for the first time, it is necessary to create a user account in person at the lending desk in the main library. This first issue of borrowing authorisation and all subsequent borrowings are free of charge. At the same time, 25 books can be borrowed per student; the number can be increased to 50 for diploma and doctoral students.


The Social Department is the first point of contact for questions regarding financial aid, insurance or tuition fees. This department also provides you with important forms and useful brochures.

  • Family allowance
  • Study grant
  • Application deadlines
  • Entitlement period for various grants
  • Income limits
  • Etc.


Especially when you are new somewhere, it is often not so easy to orientate yourself and settle in quickly. The Student Counselling Office sees it as one of its most important tasks to help and advise you as a first-semester student. If you have any questions about KUSSS, Moodle, other contact points at the university, the Kepler Card or studying in Linz in general, then the Student Counselling Office is the right place to go.