StV Informatik: Selected Projects

Logo of the StV Informatik
Outside of our usual scope

Extraordinary Projects

Many events and projects take place regularly and at some point become part of everyday life in the Student Union: The activities listed here are some of our more unusual ones!

Whether it's a major conference or a new university popping up in the neighbourhood, the following projects have kept us pretty busy and therefore deserve a more detailed report.

Meeting of student representatives in Linz

Conference of Computer Science Student Unions (KIF)

From 31.10-05.11.2023, together with the StV AI, we hosted and organised KIF 51.5, the largest networking conference of German-speaking computer science student representatives.
Over 180 representatives from more than 50 universities and colleges from all over Germany and Austria took part.

During the conference, we were not only able to learn a lot of practical things about our work as a Student Union, but also formulate some exciting demands for politicians and universities.
We were able to gain the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research as a project partner and were able to present our findings in a report and at a meeting at the BMBWF.
You can download the full report (German) on the KIF and the short presentation (German) here, and you can also find more information on the KIF website.

We are very proud of the project and are already looking forward to attending future conferences as guests (now with much less stress and effort), thereby continuing to exchange ideas on important topics of representation work.

A new university next door

Statements on the IT:U

The JKU is getting a new neighbour: the Interdisciplinary Transformation University Austria (IT:U), also known as the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria (IDSA) or TU Linz.

The entire project is viewed very critically by all university stakeholders, including representatives of the employees, the University Conference and legal experts. One of the reasons for the criticism is that the new public university is not anchored in the Universities Act and thus comes with much poorer legal protection for students and breaks up many well thought-out and long-proven structures. At the same time, there is no real differentiation from JKU projects in terms of content, and the added value of the new "university" is not really clear.

As neighbours of the new university, and especially in view of the strong focus on technology and computer science, we, together with the ÖH TNF and later the ÖH JKU, have repeatedly voiced criticism and published two statements on the various draft laws. We also tried to put pressure on the government through press releases and participated in a panel discussion on the topic to inform JKU students about the project.

Here you can find our two statements and the press release that we issued together with technical universities in Austria. Since all these documents are in German, we have also provided an English summary.

We want a Divorce

Split of the StV Informatik & AI

When the AI study was introduced at JKU in 2019 the StV Informatik took over its representation and formed the StV Informatik & AI.
The new study quickly grew and we soon represented more than 2000 very diverse students. Our StV team was also extended and we ended up with more than 40 members.

To better support different students and to work more efficiently internally, we decided to split the StV at the next ÖH election in 2023.
From 2023 onwards, we therefore now have an StV Informatik once more, and the new StV Artifical Intelligence. Many of our resources are still shared between them.

To ensure a smooth transition, we have created and published Divorce Papers.
To inform students about the split and all its consequences, we shot a fun Divorce Movie.

Check them out!

To the Transparency Overview
