The ÖH Election takes place once every two years, this time on 13.-15.05.2025.
At the election, you decide on your future representation in various areas - your study representatives (StV Informatik), as well as the university-wide representation (ÖH JKU) and the federal representation (ÖH BV).
You elect each layer individually: Us student representatives are elected as individual candidates, you decide which person you want to be represented by. For the other layers, you elect a political party (called "list" or "Fraktion") that best represents your interests.
We want to stress that StV Informatik is fully independent: This means that no matter who you vote for, none of our members or candidates belongs to a political party. We do not have any stakes in their political campaigns (more on that here).
While you can elect the other two layers via mail-in voting, your student representatives can only be elected in person: We therefore ask you to please visit one of the polling places on 13.-15.05!
For the Student Representation in Informatik, you can elect up to five people (in other words, you can tick up to five boxes on your ballot).
The five people with the most votes receive a mandate. They will then decide on the StV's head amongst themselves.
To help you decide, all candidates will introduce themselves below!
Candidates will introduce themselves here later. Check back a few weeks prior to the election!