NaWi-Tec student representatives

Who are we?

Here we always try to provide you with the latest and most important information about the NaWiTec degree programme at the JKU Linz.
We are here to help you before and during your studies. Whether you have questions about registration and enrolment, don't know how to change your degree programme, feel unfairly treated, have problems with a professor, are unsure about your degree or the curriculum, or just want to meet new people: We are here for you!

The ÖH NaWi-Tec guide is intended to help you through your studies, especially in the first semesters, but also contains tips for graduation.

Our consultation hour


It always takes place in the office of the ÖH TNF in the lecture theatre wing. For further counselling and consultation hours, we are also available for you at individual appointments at any time!

How to reach us

Contact us


Tel: +43 732 2468 5968

Instagram: @oehtnf

Location: TNF-Kammerl in the Kepler building